Since participating in Ludum Dare 46 I’ve wanted to participated more. The previous experiences have taught me much. Time management, trust in myself and my abilities etc.

If you don’t know, Ludum Dare is a game development competition where you create a game prototype over a weekend.

Ludum Dare 55 was rolling up and I’d set aside time in the calendar to participate. I was planning on participating solo, as I’m mostly used to that, or as a “hired gun” – someone who makes the music (or other things).

Just out of curiosity I asked in a community I’m a member of, Gentleland, if anybody else was participating. Emiliano offered to join forces and do a project together. I jumped at the chance because it’s not often I get the chance to work with someone else.

On the morning of the compo’s start we started brainstorming together on the theme. We ended up with a sort of dungeon management idea and decided that I would do graphics and music, and he would code it.

It was a huge challenge as I don’t really consider myself a graphics person. While working on the skeleton I was trying to animate it and was reminded how hard it is. I started to feel the pressure because it was taking so long, and if I had to animate a handful of other characters I wouldn’t have time for anything else. For that reason we decided to simply make the sprites static.

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